CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: More than 800 trained women impact on reducing chronic malnutrition in San Cristóbal Totonicapán

The Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation, social arm of the Multi Investment Corporation (CMI), celebrated the culmination of the second phase of the Community Nutrition and Entrepreneurship program (2017-2019) in San Cristóbal, Totonicapán where more than 500 women from the 3 axes graduated of the program The first axis is oriented to training in issues of Food and Nutrition Security, managing to influence chronic malnutrition in children aged 0 to 12 months in 46%. Read More »

CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: Impacting communities through the Nutrition and Community Entrepreneurship Program of the Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation

Women entrepreneurs, program monitors and members of the different beneficiary communities in Totonicapán, Guatemala, thank the Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation and its president Isabel Gutiérrez de Bosch for the support they provide through the Nutrition and Community Entrepreneurship Program. Read More »

CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: BAM presents a docuserie web chapter “El Poder de los Centennials” with Guatemala as the protagonist

The docuserie, narrated by the Colombian singer and songwriter Sebastián Yatra, brought together six centennials and six entrepreneurs from different industries, who made commitments that allow sustainable businesses to be challenged and operated from their respective sectors and thus generate conversations around the world on these issues. Read More »