CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: BAM presents a docuserie web chapter “El Poder de los Centennials” with Guatemala as the protagonist

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones issued the following announcement on Sept. 26.

The docuserie, narrated by the Colombian singer and songwriter Sebastián Yatra, brought together six centennials and six entrepreneurs from different industries, who made commitments that allow sustainable businesses to be challenged and operated from their respective sectors and thus generate conversations around the world on these issues.

“Potable Water and High Impact Businesses”, is the chapter filmed in Guatemala and is starred by Vincent Loka, a young Indonesian leader of the United Nations Organization -UNU- and the Guatemalan Enrique Crespo, CEO of Multi Investment Corporation -CMI- Capital.

The production consisted of six chapters, directed by the Uruguayan producer, director, director and screenwriter Luis Ara, who has excelled in the film industry in Latin America.

Banco Agromercantil BAM, a Guatemalan banking entity with 93 years of successful experience, presented exclusively the sixth and final chapter of the docuserie "The School of Sustainability: The Power of the Centennials", which was filmed in Guatemala, mainly in San Pedro Carchá , department of Alta Verapaz, addressing key issues such as drinking water and impact businesses.

The chapter “Drinking Water and High Impact Business” brings together the centennial Vincent Loka, 26, and the CEO of CMI Capital, Enrique Crespo, who together visit the communities of influence of the Renace Hydroelectric Complex, a hydraulic generation project with 301 MW of generation in operation, currently the main private generator in Guatemala.

Renace Hydroelectric Complex executes a strategy of shared social value, winner of the "Standard & Poors, Global Platts Energy Award" for the successful implementation of 7 programs of sustainable social development, on issues of: health, food, education, technology, recreation, local leadership and entrepreneurship; positively impacting 21 thousand people from 29 Mayan Q'eqchi´ communities that live in San Pedro Carchá. In addition, it implements an environmental management strategy that seeks to conserve biodiversity, transcend environmentally and support with the mitigation of the effects of climate change. This strategy has generated positive changes in social indicators such as: reduction of chronic malnutrition, increase in school permanence, reduction of teenage pregnancies, among others.

“ We are very happy that Guatemala has been the leading country of one of these six chapters in which we discover the power to inspire and work as a team. The Renace Hydroelectric Complex was selected because as a financial entity we support it and share its social value strategy, including its environmental management program that seeks to conserve biodiversity and support the mitigation of the effects of climate change. In BAM we are committed to our actions and we are sure that this initiative is contributing to make the world a more sustainable place for the next generations, ”said Federico Bolaños, General Manager of BAM.

For his part Enrique Crespo, CEO of CMI Capital said: “For CMI, sustainability is a strategic pillar, transforming societies, whose actions are based on strengthening the economy, conserving and protecting the environment and ensuring the well-being of the communities where there are operations. That is why, in addition to the implementation of our shared value strategy, now with Vincent Loka, the UN leader for the SDGs, we have agreed to implement a potable water access project in the communities surrounding the Renace project and continue investing in the implementation of renewable energies, to mitigate the effects of climate change throughout Central America. ”

In this chapter, Vincent Loka, inventor and researcher of water filtration solutions, talks with community leaders in the area, in order to present his project that provides a water filtration system to help anyone in the world experience thirst.

Loka was born in the city of Medán, Indonesia, where there was little access to drinking water due to constant floods resulting from natural disasters. This difficult environment was his main motivation to dedicate his life to solve the scarcity of this vital resource, founding the Wateroam company, an organization that currently benefits more than 70 thousand people in 23 countries.

“ This chapter aims to encourage all of us who are part of this society to commit ourselves to our actions, because we have no more time left and the transformation actions must be taken now, mobilizing causes, inspiring and conducting well-done and enduring businesses. With his example, Vincent and Mr. Crespo inspire us and motivate us to understand that we can all contribute to a better world , ”added Bolaños.

With the vision of being a leading bank that sets a trend in the sector, BAM supported this project together with Grupo Bancolombia, named the most sustainable bank in the world by Dow Jones Sustainability Index, set of several sustainability indices composed of high performance companies in different fields, such as economic, social and environmental.

The General Manager of BAM ended his participation with the following message: “This docuserie, in which Guatemala is the protagonist, is a sign that all citizens are agents of change and can contribute to a more prosperous and enduring world, contributing to compliance of Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. "

The web docuserie “El Poder de los Centennials” was broadcast weekly from August 22 on the platform , available worldwide, and ends this Thursday, September 26 with the chapter filmed in Guatemala, which will also be transmitted by Guatevisión, that same day at 20:30 (local time).

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