CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: Environmental Transcendence Projects

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones issued the following announcement on Sept. 16.

Renace's Environmental Strategy has an Environmental Transcendence axis that implements programs for adaptation to climate change.

An important effort is to move from reforestation to ecological restoration with native species, with which Renace has more than 400 hectares restored.

In this same axis is the Orchid Conservation initiative with the accompaniment of Orquigonia. This program has managed to identify 110 species of the orchid family, an important bastion for the flora of Alta Verapaz, specifically in San Pedro Carchá. It seeks to identify the species found in the area of the Renace operation and the biological corridors that surround it.

Renace knows that this effort to know the species will allow adapting the environmental strategy plans to ensure the ideal conditions of the natural ecosystems of the area to ensure their conservation and that they can be appreciated by future generations.

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