AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN GUATEMALA: RTW: Disinfection of public spaces and social distancing to be Held July 8

RTW: Disinfection of public spaces and social distancing With the imminent return to work (RTW), the Labor and Industrial Safety and Occupational Safety Committees and the CSR, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship Committee, joined the 3M company, in order to explain from the hand of the experts the best measures to take into consideration for the correct disinfection of public spaces and the best social distancing, for all companies. Read More »

CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: Pollo Rey donates 4,000 food rations to officials on the northern border

The donation will benefit 2,000 officials from the Ministry of Public Security over the next 10 weeks In the face of the health pandemic caused by COVID-19, Corporación Multi Inversiones -CMI-, through its Pollo Rey brand, says present and stands in solidarity by making a donation of 1,000 kg of fresh chicken equivalent to 4,000 rations, to feed the 2,000 officers who are guarding the northern border of the country. Read More »