Corporacion Multi Inversiones issued the following announcement on June 11.
Modern Mills and its brand of Cookies Dino, present their new website, which has various tools that will facilitate the funniest task of "being parents", including interesting articles, videos and infographics, which are intended to connect you with the interests of your children.
“This website has been created with the intention of bringing families together using a tool as important as technology, which often separates them. It is supervised by professionals who are experts in various areas, offering us a variety of information that will help parents face the great challenge of raising their children, "said Paola Cardona, Cookie Category Manager."
By accessing the portal, you can find interesting content, such as the Parent Zone, which has the collaboration of the Infanto-Juvenile psychologist, Regina Perez; Activities Zone, by the hand of the educator Erika Ortiz, and the Children Zone, where the little ones will be able to find different games that also facilitate family fun.
"By incorporating an area aimed at parents, we seek to facilitate interaction with topics that commonly concern them for the correct training of their children and that they can receive in a clear and didactic way, through videos and articles of interest specially produced for our page Paola finished.
DINO biscuits are available nationwide in flavors: Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate, Choco Strawberry and Duplex, at all points of sale.
Enter the Dino website:
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