CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: CC Pradera presents a new platform to reserve your favorite products

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones issued the following announcement on Aug. 21.

The Pradera shopping center network, which belongs to Multi-Proyectos, a real estate development unit of Corporación Multi Inversiones -CMI-, with the aim of offering innovative options for visitors to shop from home, presents

It is a digital platform that allows users to reserve different products from their favorite online stores. With this initiative, Pradera, with more than 30 years of experience in the market, reaffirms its commitment, offering the community a wide variety of purchasing channels.

Diana Jaramillo, administrator of Pradera in Vistares, expresses: “We are very happy to offer this new service to our visitors. Since, by expanding our purchase options, the communities will have various channels that adapt to their needs. is the alternative to reserve, from home, products from different stores, so that the shopping experience is more comfortable and faster by offering everything in one place ”.

Although Pradera in Vistares reopened its doors, complying with all the measures indicated by the authorities so that guests can make an orderly and safe visit, this service will be available to those guests who prefer to buy from home and then go through their products in Pradera To Carry without getting off the vehicle, it is worth mentioning that this new service has no cost.

The mechanics are as follows: visitors register on the platform indicating their name, email, telephone number and address. Then, they will be able to view the participating stores and their products, choose size, colors, even indicate if the items are for gifts or leave a comment to the store. These items can be reserved immediately in your cart; The customer will receive an email with the list of reserved products and a notification indicating that the store will communicate as soon as possible.

After the store communicates with the user, the payment method must be defined, which can be through a link for online card payment, bank transfer or cash. At the time of finalizing the management, the client has the option to select the day and time for the delivery of her order, coordinating with the establishment; If it were the same day, you must wait a period of 30 minutes, after having finished the operation, to go to the Pradera Takeaway area and pick up your order. Pradera para Llevar is duly signposted in the basement of the shopping center, on the central island. At the end of the guest, the entrance ticket will be exchanged for one already validated, to facilitate their exit from the parking lot.

It is worth mentioning that Pradera cares about the health and well-being of its visitors, therefore, all staff, both in stores and in the shopping center that have contact with the purchase, follow strict hygiene protocols approved by the authorities, which They include the distancing of a parking space in the delivery and payment area, disinfection of the packages in each contact area; mandatory use of mask, gloves and face shield, among other measures.

Likewise, the Pradera para Llevar area will have regulations for compliance by customers, where the use of a mask is requested at all times, even inside the vehicle, as well as staying inside it during the transaction and lowering the window only when required by staff.

“With the service we are sure that our visitors will be very satisfied making online reservations of their favorite products. In addition, this platform will provide many benefits, as it will have exclusive discounts for users, ”Jaramillo concluded.

For more information about the initiative, you can call 2470-0300 or visit the shopping center's social networks, Facebook and Instagram: Pradera en Vistares.

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