CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: “The pandemic did not take us by surprise”: How the emergency influenced Pollo Campero's plans

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones issued the following announcement on Aug. 19.

The exponential growth of home delivery during the pandemic is evident for most businesses in Guatemala, and especially restaurants strengthened that channel.

An example of adaptation to change and reaction in its omnichannel approach are the Pollo Campero restaurants, which are part of Corporación Multi Inversiones (CMI).

For one of the largest corporations in the country, risk management is essential to handle a crisis like the one the world is currently experiencing, and mitigating the impact is a premise, but the most important thing is to ensure the well-being of the 40 thousand employees that make it up.

Vision and strategy

José Gregorio Baquero, general manager of Food at CMI and Ricardo Castillo, general director of CMI restaurants Central America share with Prensa Libre their experience and the strategies that help them walk on the path of the “new normal”.

How do you rate the corporation's response to the pandemic?

Baquero: The pandemic did not take us by surprise because since the end of 2019 there was already a well-established protocol of what to do in case the virus arrived in the country, and by the end of February they had already been implemented at all levels, in addition In time, we stocked up on hygiene and cleaning products that were already included in the plan.

How was the reaction to the restrictions and the closure of table service?

Baquero and Castillo: The rules began to change very quickly, every 15 days there were new measures and this caused a permanent reinvention, the table service was closed and all the effort was turned to the strategy of take-out service and home service " exploded ”, for that reason a new telephone system was implemented.

On the issue of home service, how much was that growth?

Castillo: The lockdown weekends helped to have hours when home orders soared and ranged between 12 and 14 hours, and throughout these five months this channel tripled in both volume and sales.

How did the workforce and motorcycle fleets change?

Castillo: Definitely with the explosion of home service and the new telephone plant, more teleoperators were hired, also, delivery drivers, in addition, alliances with home service technology applications were reaffirmed and we outsourced other services, therefore, nothing is static, we are always in constant reinvention.

How many outlets are there throughout the region? Was technology adoption widespread?

Baquero: We manage 100,000 points of sale throughout the region and, indeed, teleshopping and digital channels were 100% involved.

What role did technology play in the strategy?

Baquero: Increasing customer service capacity requires efforts and technological investments, an example is that we will soon launch the new Pollo Campero application that will have many new features.

Messaging channels and payment gateways were also strengthened, this is how we have accelerated investments in technology, which was planned to be done in two years, now we are implementing it in four months.

Was the lack of attention at the table compensated in any way with home delivery?

Baquero: We have to analyze it from three realities that we have and they are: Pollo Campero, Pollo Granjero and Pollo Campero in the United States.

In Guatemala and El Salvador we are recognized for the quality and flavor in restaurants, it is an extremely important channel, and despite the explosion of home delivery it has not been able to compensate for the lack of table service. In contrast to what happens in the United States where table service is not as strong.

The home service channel has unlimited capacity, and of course it has helped! but it's not enough.

What are the investments in the US and how has the reaction been during the crisis?

Baquero: CMI's accumulated investment in the United States is US $ 100 million with 80 restaurants, 60 owned and 20 under the franchise model. The plan for the next five years is to open between 80 and 100 additional points of sale, both owned and franchised.

With the digital plans, it was possible to attract new consumers due to the differentiated service and the quick reaction to current needs. Even a digital firm in the United States positioned Pollo Campero in second place as one of the best technological platforms that has provided service during the pandemic.

What will happen to the aggressive investment plan that they had projected earlier this year?

Baquero: It is time to stop, that is, to rethink and review the investment plans, but if we analyze it well, the investments were focused on the technological issue, the telephone system and the new application will increase our capabilities in the short term, since The adoption of new channels such as home delivery will require constant innovation. The aggressive plan is still in place, it is only a temporary brake.

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