CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: enace is a member of the International Association of Hydroelectric Energy

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones issued the following announcement on Aug. 18.

The Renace hydroelectric plant is accredited as a member of the International Hydroelectric Energy Association (IHA). "It is the second Latin American company to be part of the IHA," the company announced in a statement.

The IHA is a non-profit organization that seeks to advance sustainable hydropower by building and sharing knowledge about its role in renewable generation systems, responsible water management, and solutions to climate change.

Renace is located in the municipality of San Pedro Carchá, Alta Verapaz, and belongs to the Energy Unit of Corporación Multi Inversiones (CMI). It has four cascading plants that make it the largest private hydroelectric complex in the entire Central American region.

The UK-based IHA has members operating in more than 120 countries representing a total generation of 450 GW (Gigawatts) of clean energy globally.

It also provides information and guidance on the energy sector to governments and multilateral institutions, sectors of civil society, financial companies, scientists, and academics, through research, policy development, promotion of good practices, training, and project evaluations.

The Association encourages the exchange of knowledge among all its members, as well as increasing awareness about the importance of hydroelectric energy for sustainable development, and the benefits provided by the diversification of the energy matrix where renewable energy plays a fundamental role.

Support for the SDGs

The members of IHA are recognized worldwide for their support to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which the Renace Hydroelectric works through its strategy of shared social value and diversity of environmental programs, which benefit 29 Mayan communities Q´eqchi´ neighbors to the project.

Renace's greatest contribution to caring for the environment is with the generation of renewable energy where 128 thousand tons of carbon dioxide are emitted per year, which is equivalent to the emissions produced by 500 thousand cars each year.

"With this event, the commitment to constantly work on the generation of clean and renewable energy that respects the environment, promotes sustainable social development, and ensures the stability and well-being of Guatemalans is reaffirmed," the statement concludes.

With information from the Republic

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