CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: Pradera para Llevar, the new Pradera service in Vistares

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones recently issued the following announcement.

Pradera, belonging to Multi-Proyectos, real estate development unit of Corporación Multi Inversiones -CMI-, is committed to the security and development of the communities where it is present. Since March 17, the Pradera shopping center network, by provisions of the Government of Guatemala, has been closed, prioritizing the safety and well-being of its collaborators, guests and their families, always complying with hygiene and cleaning protocols. Today, the world is facing a new reality, with constant changes, therefore, it is vital to create innovative experiences that allow us to continue being close to visitors. In line with the above, and following trends in the United States and Europe,

In order to offer different alternatives for visitors to make their purchases, the Pradera shopping center network presented its new Pradera to Go service. With this initiative, Pradera, with more than 30 years of experience in the market, reaffirms its commitment to offer the community a wide variety of options and purchasing channels in an easy, fast and secure way.

Diana Jaramillo, Pradera Administrator at Vistares, says: “We are very excited to present this new service to our visitors. We know that the current situation has transformed the way we shop, but we are sure that, with 'Pradera para Llevar', we will facilitate this process so that people continue to enjoy the products of their favorite stores. ”

Although the shopping center will remain closed, this service will be available so that the customer can access their favorite products, safely and without leaving the vehicle. The mechanics will be as follows: visitors can access the Pradera para Llevar web directory at, where they can search for the store of their choice. When selecting the establishment, the contact and purchase alternatives will be displayed (website, phone, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp), and then you can select the products you want to buy from the comfort of your home.

Payment for the purchase is made directly with the selected store, either in cash or by the different methods it offers. At the end of the management, the client has the option of selecting the day and time for the delivery of her order, coordinating with the establishment; if it were the same day, you must wait a period of 30 minutes, after completing the operation, to go to the Pradera area to Take and collect your order. This space will be duly marked in the basement of the shopping center. The guest will change the entry ticket for one already validated, to facilitate their exit from the parking lot.

It should be noted that Pradera is concerned about the health and well-being of its visitors, that is why all the staff, both from the commercial partners and the shopping center that will have contact with the order, will follow strict hygiene protocols approved by authorities, which include:

Distance from a parking space in the payment area and collection of purchases assigned for Pradera para Llevar.

Mandatory use of mask, gloves and mask.

The personnel assigned to collect and deliver purchases must use 70% alcohol gel before and after the delivery of the products.

Temperature taking will be carried out 3 times a day for both the personnel of the commercial premises, as well as the personnel assigned to the Pradera para Llevar collection and delivery area.

The delivery area will have a hygiene process every two hours and the packages will be disinfected at each contact point, to minimize possible sources of infection.

Likewise, the Pradera para Llevar area will have regulations for compliance by customers, where the use of a mask is requested at all times, even inside the vehicle, as well as staying within it during the transaction and lowering the window only when the staff requires it.

Pradera para Llevar will be available at Pradera in Vistares from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, and Saturday from 9:00 am to 12 pm. The days may change, according to the provisions established by the Government. from Guatemala. It is important to note that this service has no additional cost for the user, other than the payment of the products. Customers will be able to make their purchase from home and, when making it, go to Pradera para Llevar, where they must identify themselves with the personnel designated to receive their items.

"At Pradera we are aware of the situation the country is currently going through, so we call on all Guatemalan families to continue with the recommendations of the authorities such as the use of a mask, hand washing, use of gel alcohol , vehicle circulation regulations by license plate number and social distance ”added Jaramillo.

For more information on the initiative, call 2470-0300 or visit the shopping center's social networks on Facebook and Instagram: Pradera Vistares.

With information from

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