CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: The University Scholarship Program of the Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation celebrates this year its 20th edition and delivery of 35 new scholarships to Guatemalan youth

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones recently issued the following announcement.

The CMI social arm, Fundación Juan Bautista Gutiérrez, made the official delivery of 35 full scholarships to young Guatemalans who will begin their university studies in the best private universities in the country in 2020.

The main objective of the program is to provide the opportunity for young people of high academic level and low economic resources, to apply for a scholarship to study higher. This program is the most complete and comprehensive, since apart from covering 100% of the academic costs such as tuition and tuition, a fee for books, monthly payments for personal expenses, reinforcement in English, residence for the students that come from the interior of the country, and an accompaniment and tutoring program to encourage them to successfully reach the goal.

Doña Isabel Gutiérrez de Bosch, president of the Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation, said: “For us it is a great satisfaction to be able to provide an opportunity for talented young people so that they can realize their greatest dreams and desires. During the 20 years that this program has been carried out, we have discovered very intelligent young people with many values, whom we have seen become competent professionals who work to leave a legacy in the country they love so much. ”

Scholarships FJBGCMI

Academic excellence, effort and dedication, are the greatest attributes that each of the scholarship stands out. The careers they will study are mainly focused on Engineering, as well as innovative careers such as Industrial Biotechnology Engineering, Molecular Biotechnology, Bio Informatics, Biomedical, Environmental Engineering with an emphasis on Management, among others. The young people come from different medium-level educational establishments in both the capital and the departments of El Progreso, Chiquimula, Alta Verapaz, Jalapa, Retalhuleu, Suchitepéquez.

The Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation program has a complete and thorough process of convocation, evaluation and selection. This year, a total of 4,075 visits to the application system were registered, of which 652 young people completed the application and started the process. In the second phase, 342 performed academic tests in areas of mathematics and verbal; and based on the results, 50 young people qualified for specific tests of general skills, study habits, personal values and professional interests and psychological interviews. Subsequently, the socio-economic study of 40 selected students was made, of which 35 young people were favored with the university scholarship. One of these scholarships is awarded in partnership with Supermarkets La Torre.

To be creditors of the scholarship, applicants had to meet various requirements; Among them, they will be studying the last year of diversification at the time of application, have a minimum average of 85 points in basic third and each year of diversification, and have the need for financial support to carry out their university studies. The call is held every year and is open to young people across the country.

“Since the beginning of the program, in 2002, we have awarded more than 241 young people, of which 116 are already graduated professionals and 125 young people are currently studying. We are proud of our scholars, since they have graduated with honors and academic averages over 85 points. At the Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation, we believe that access to higher education is the best tool for the development of our society in Guatemala, ”said Doña Isabel Gutiérrez de Bosch, president of the Juan Bautista Gutiérrez Foundation.

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