CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: Enrique Crespo: “Hydroelectric has brought development”

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones recently issued the following announcement.

Investors of the Renace hydroelectric complex in San Pedro Carchá, Alta Verapaz, say they have acted on the basis of what is established in current regulations, and expect to know the resolution of the magistrates of the CC.

Enrique Crespo, CEO of the Multi Investment Corporation (CMI) Capital, spoke a day after a public hearing at the Constitutional Court (CC). The company seeks not to suspend the operations of the Renace hydroelectric complex in Alta Verapaz.

The case reached the high authority in constitutional matters, after the Supreme Court of Justice granted a final protection to community members of San Pedro Carchá, Alta Verapaz, which orders Energy and Mines to do the community consultation, but does not suspend the operation.

The company has the capacity to generate up to 306 megawatts, which contribute 16% of the supply demanded in the country.

The executive explained to Prensa Libre that there is expectation for what the CC magistrates can resolve in authorization of the licenses for the construction of the Renace hydroelectric complex that were delivered in 1991 and Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which entered into force in 1997 and refers to the consultation of indigenous peoples.

Crespo reiterated that they have acted based on law and current regulations.

What is the significance of this process?

It is a matter of national and country interest that should interest all Guatemalans, because the suspension of Renace (hydroelectric) operations would imply a 25% increase in the average bill of the final energy consumer that would impact everyone.

That is why we say that it goes beyond being a judicial process, in which there is a company as an interested third party and the Ministry of Energy and Mines, so it is an issue that has national significance, which could have a negative impact on all Guatemalans, for the economy and the country in general.

On the other hand, it would send negative signals for legal certainty, the rule of law.

Renace system contributes to 16%.

For what reason?

A country where the rule of law does not deprive and prevail is a country that is aimed at uncertainty, instability and quite the opposite of prosperity, it may even reach a failed state and we do not want that to happen.

In that sense, what scenario do they perceive?

Undoubtedly, it would generate a negative impact on the pockets of Guatemalans, very relevant, with a possible increase in the electricity bill of 25%.

A 24-hour development from public view, as investors, what do you think?

After the parties involved and the third parties interested in appearing, it was evidenced that the amparist, Mrs. Ana Rutilia Ical, did not prove to have the legitimate representation of the communities.

Second, it did not prove quite evident nor any infringement of rights that could give you filed under.

On the other hand, it was evidenced that legitimate representatives and community leaders unequivocally expressed that the firm's investment in the communities has brought them development, prosperity and opportunities that, if Renace were not there, they would not have.

In addition, it was clear that both the Attorney General's Office, the National Electric Energy Commission and the Wholesale Market Administrator expressed the arguments that legally support that in this case it is not possible to retroactively apply the provisions of Convention 169, because This took effect after the issuance of the authorizations that allowed us to invest in the Renace hydroelectric complex.

Finally, we are convinced that it was evidenced that Renace is not against the spirit of Convention 169, but on the contrary, that we have been respectful and proactive for 25 years of opening a permanent and positive dialogue with the communities; Understand their needs, respect their traditions and culture, and thus foster development conditions. All this why? because we are interested in having sustainable investments over time in prosperous communities.

So, we are satisfied with the results of the public hearing and we believe it was clear who we are on the side of justice, the rule of law and social development, and who is not.

What results do you expect at the end of this process?

In the coming weeks or months, which are the times that the CC manages, at the time of issuing a sentence, what we hope is that the rule of law will be respected, respect for the provisions of the Constitution and that a message of stability and legal certainty, as well as respect for the constitutional framework, and that what has been done historically in terms of social development investment is recognized.

If one understands the spirit of ILO Convention 169, we have exceeded what is required; It is not a matter of doing a thing and stop doing it, it is a matter of openness and permanent dialogue.

We are confident that we are in what the Constitution establishes, rule of law on our side, and that investment in social development in the communities must continue.

Is there any fear or distrust that is contrary to what you expect?

The arguments are clear and well supported so that this does not happen. We are convinced that the magistrates of the CC must weigh very comprehensively the effects that their decision has on the future of the country.

They have everything to issue a sentence with responsibility and development thinking.

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