CORPORACION MULTI INVERSIONES: Thanks to the support of the Guatemalans, the amount of Q32,540,320 was raised through the UNiTE raffle

Source: Corporacion Multi Inversiones

Corporacion Multi Inversiones issued the following announcement on Feb. 18.

The donation delivered in the capital is the result of the sale of 1.6 million tickets join. The proceeds will contribute to saving the lives of children with the aforementioned condition.

The Great Rifa Join is celebrating its 18th edition and is promoted by Pollo Campero, Pepsi, Banco G & T Continental and Tigo, in order to support the health of children.

Representatives of the aforementioned companies participated in the donation, who, along with some of the beneficiary children, expressed their gratitude for the support of the people of Guatemala.

Organizers reported that this support project has become the largest and most successful of its kind in Central America.

More cases every year

They emphasize that the need to continue with the search for funds is essential, since the cost of each treatment is about Q450 thousand and each year 900 new cases are diagnosed in the country.

They seek to raise awareness

The delivery of the donation coincides with the World Day of the Fight Against Childhood Cancer, whose objective is to raise awareness that children and adolescents should have an opportune diagnosis and adequate treatment.

" Our motivation is always to support the tireless work of Ayuvi and the Pediatric Oncology Unit, which every day provide life expectancy to children who develop cancer in Guatemala by providing comprehensive treatment at no cost, " said Rodrigo del Cid, director of Marketing Pollo Campero, on behalf of the partners join.

He added: " We reaffirm that a commitment to life is for life, we are satisfied with the achievements, but we know that there is still a long way to go for 100 percent of children diagnosed with cancer to have access to free treatment. "

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